The view from Hanford, California

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Scene of the Crime: Photographs From the LAPD Archive.
Introduction by James Ellroy
Essays by Tim B. Wride
ISBN: 0810950022
239 pages

This book is a collection of black and white photos taken from the Los Angeles police department's Special Investigations Division. The photos covers the time periods from 1926 to 1974. The majority of the photos come from the 1930's. The photos run the gamut from dead bodies in pools of blood to notes given to bank tellers by robbers--"stick up don't move smile." In the back of the book are details about the photos. Unfortunately, some photos are lacking in information--"Case information unavailable. Not the type of book you would want on top of your coffeetable. It gives the reader some sense of what police officers throughout the decades had to deal with.

Death Scenes: A Homicide Detective's Scrapbook
Text by Katherine Dunn
Edited by Sean Tejaratchi
ISBN: 0922915296
167 pages

Jack Huddleston started his law enforcement career in 1921 by joining the Santa Monica police department. By 1938, he was with the Los Angeles Robbery and Homicide Department. The LAPD's Personnel Divison is cagey about divulging information about their past employees. It is assumed that Huddleston retired in the early 1950's. During his career, he compiled a scrapbook containing crime scene photos. It is impossible to say who the source of these "happy snaps" were: fellow detectives, photo lab technicians, actual cases that Huddleston himself worked on. The original scrapbook was six inches thick. Black and white photos glued onto 18 x 24 inch pages.


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